37 research outputs found

    Some more axiomatisability for S-acts

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    This paper discusses necessary and sufficient conditions on a monoid S, such that the class of C-flat left SS-acts is axiomatisable, where C is the class of all embeddings (of right ideals into S) of right S-acts. We consider the axiomatisability of some flatness classes of S-acts, which were previously discussed by Bulman-Fleming and Gould [1] . We present here a more general procedure to axiomatise these classes. A similar type of general results have been found for S-posets by Gould and Shaheen [10]. We have found that there are some classes of S-acts which are axiomatisable by more than one method. This has not been seen before

    Axiomatisability problems for S-posets

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    Let C be a class of algebras of a given fixed type t. Associated with the type is a first order language L_t. One can then ask the question, when is the class C axiomatisable by sentences of L_t. In this paper we will be considering axiomatisability problems for classes of left S-posets over a pomonoid S (that is, a monoid S equipped with a partial order compatible with the binary operation). We aim to determine the pomonoids S such that certain categorically defined classes are axiomatisable. The classes we consider are the free S-posets, the projective S-posets and classes arising from flatness properties. Some of these cases have been studied in a recent article by Pervukhin and Stepanova. We present some general strategies to determine axiomatisability, from which their results for the classes of weakly po-flat and po-flat S-posets will follow. We also consider a number of classes not previously examined

    Taikos paieškos karo metu: Pakistano vyriausybės derybų su Tehrik e Taliban Pakistan nušvietimas nacionalinėje spaudoje

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    After over two decades of violence, loss of thousands of civilians, displacement of tens of thousands of people, and damages to key infrastructure in Pakistan by Tehrik e Taliban Pakistan (TTP), the central government decided to talk with them in 2014. These peace talks were as vital as their failure could lead inevitably to a longer war. This study is about the coverage given by the Pakistani national press on these peace talks and the military operation followed by it. It is evaluated that how far print media played their role either in initiating peace or instigating war. With this intention, Johan Galtung's theory of Peace Journalism was applied. Analyzing the contents of four elite national English and Urdu dailies the study concluded that the mainstream press portrayed the peace talks with a considerable difference throughout peace talks, which had undermined the government approach of bringing peace. War-oriented coverage of the operation tells that whatever would be the situation media would sensationalize it. Within the news stories, mixed expressions were seen towards both peace and war but the overall coverage remained war-oriented.. Po daugiau nei du dešimtmečius trukusio smurto, tūkstančių civilių netekties, dešimčių tūkstančių žmonių persikėlimo į kitas vietas ir žalos, kurią padarė Tehrik e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) pagrindinei Pakistano infrastruktūrai, 2014 m. centrinė vyriausybė nusprendė su jais pradėti derybas. Šios taikos derybos buvo labai svarbios, nes joms nepasisekus neišvengiamai galėjo kilti dar ilgesnis karas. Šiame tyrime analizuojama, kaip šios taikos derybos ir po jų vykdoma karinė operacija buvo nušviečiamos Pakistano nacionalinėje žiniasklaidoje. Aiškinamasi, kokį vaidmenį suvaidino žiniasklaida: ar inicijuojant taiką, ar kurstant karą. Šiuo tikslu buvo pritaikyta Johano Galtungo taikos žurnalistikos teorija. Išanalizavus keturių elitinių nacionalinių dienraščių anglų ir urdu kalbomis turinį, tyrime daroma išvada, kad pagrindinė spauda taikos derybas vaizdavo labai skirtingai, o tai pakenkė vyriausybės požiūriui siekiant taikos. Į karą orientuotas operacijos nušvietimas spaudoje leidžia suprasti, kad ir kokia būtų situacija, žiniasklaida vis tiek ją pateiktų sensacingai. Naujienų straipsniuose buvo pastebimi prieštaringi pasisakymai tiek apie taiką, tiek apie karą, tačiau bendras situacijos nušvietimas išliko orientuotas į karą

    Over Reliance of Pakistani English Press on Foreign News Wires; a quantitative content analysis of one week coverage of three English dailies of Pakistan

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    The purpose of this research is to find out the percentage ofextensive presence of news content taken from foreign newswires in English dailies of Pakistan. The study has beenconducted by analyzing international pages of three mostwidely read English dailies of Pakistan i.e. Dawn, The Newsand The Nation in terms of replication of the content from theinternational news wire services. It has been done throughquantitative content analysis and in order to find out theextensive use of news content and percentage of similarity, aplagiarism software WCopyfind_2.7 was used. One weekpublications of three mostly read English newspapers, duringthe month of May, 2015 were taken as a sample. News storiespublished on the international pages were only selected. Theresults indicated that the stories published on internationalpages of three newspapers were almost similar to the originalstories taken from news feed of international news wires, withvery minimal contribution of original content by the mosthighly acclaimed newspaper organizations in the country. Theconsequences of this overwhelming dependence were theconveyance of only one sided interpretation of the incident, itscauses and after effects

    Thematic analysis of the international pages of Pakistani English dailies

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    The aim of this study is to analyze the international pages ofthree most widely read English dailies of Pakistan i.e. the Dawn, TheNews and the Nation after 9/11. In this paper, the focus has been theanalysis of ten years' time period starting from 9/11 incident.Qualitative thematic analysis is done through selecting 42 stories fromthree newspapers. Themes are operationalized. The results indicatedthat foreign news agencies had a great impact on what they said andconveyed to the public especially in the underdeveloped countries tothe extent that they sometimes influenced the judgments made by thenews receiving countries like Pakistan

    Peace or War Journalism: Coverage of Pakistani National Press on Balochistan issue during Musharraf Regime

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    Balochistan, geographically one of the largest province of Pakistan, with rich resources of petroleum, gold natural gas reserves and other minerals, has faced unrest from Baloch separatist movement since the inception of Pakistan. Present study analyses news patterns of two leading newspapers, Dawn and Jang, in peace and violence frames during in the military regime of General Pervez Musharraf from 1999 till 2008. It tries to explore how the print media framed the issue during the selected time period when the Chief Executive of the country enjoyed complete political and military powers. It employs quantitative research method, based on Johan Galtung's theory on Peace Journalism (PJ). The findings of the study show that Balochistan conflict is mostly framed in violence frames than peace frames

    Covers for S-acts and Condition (A) for a monoid S

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    A monoid S satisfies Condition (A) if every locally cyclic left S-act is cyclic. This condition first arose in Isbell's work on left perfect monoids, that is, monoids such that every left S-act has a projective cover. Isbell showed that S is left perfect if and only if every cyclic left S-act has a projective cover and Condition (A) holds. Fountain built on Isbell's work to show that S is left perfect if and only if it satisfies Condition (A) together with the descending chain condition on principal right ideals, MR. We note that a ring is left perfect (with an analogous definition) if and only if it satisfies MR. The appearance of Condition (A) in this context is, therefore, monoid specific. Condition (A) has a number of alternative characterisations, in particular, it is equivalent to the ascending chain condition on cyclic subacts of any left S-act. In spite of this, it remains somewhat esoteric. The first aim of this paper is to investigate the preservation of Condition (A) under basic semigroup-theoretic constructions. Recently, Khosravi, Ershad and Sedaghatjoo have shown that every left S-act has a strongly flat or Condition (P) cover if and only if every cyclic left S-act has such a cover and Condition (A) holds. Here we find a range of classes of S-acts such that every left S-act has a cover from if and only if every cyclic left S-act does and Condition (A) holds. In doing so we find a further characterisation of Condition (A) purely in terms of the existence of covers of a certain kind. Finally, we make some observations concerning left perfect monoids and investigate a class of monoids close to being left perfect, which we name lefta-perfect

    I Have Set the Press Free! Geometry of General Musharraf’s Gimmicks and Grammar of Pakistani National Press

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    After the well-known 1999s army takeover in Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf taken the responsibilities of chief Executive. For establishing his dictatorial administration, effective media control was a necessity in accordance with what Aristotle said, "the power of the people's collective opinion enables a king to rule and would a king lose the support of public, he would be a king no more" (Noelle-Neumann, 1991, p. 267). With these reasons in his mind he brought media changes to utilize media as a state apparatus, winning more extensive open help at home and abroad. Since the media can play such vital part, it similarly poses a possibility of being misused by the powerful people to legitimize their wrong doings.  This paper used content analysis of three English and three Urdu Pakistani national newspapers on the incident of Lal-Masjid to analyze how newspapers were utilized as official maneuver for getting backing for Musharraf's strategies as head of the state. Lal Masjid action, generally be named as "Operation Silence" during which propaganda-based information was extensively used to legitimize the act. Initiated by General Pervez Musharraf's government the severe clash ran for one and half years & 9 days of negotiations till 2007. In this period, the press seemed to have widespread usage of propaganda approaches formulated by John Galtung's war and peace Journalism that contains, "exposing the untruths of the others and supporting our lies instead of exposing untruth of all sides & supporting all cover up attempts and lies and "we/them" propaganda". The three-fold exclusivity of the research involves that; it analyzed the strategies and propaganda role line with Johan Galtung's Peace Journalism theory. Secondly, it additionally enhances appreciative role of media in severe circumstances. Thirdly, it highlights the counter frames which if would have been used frequently the operation silence and casualties could be avoided

    Use of Collective Memories in Conflicts: A Peace Journalism Perspective in Representation of Therik e Taliban Talks with Pakistani Government

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    Collective memories are shared past events that are communicated to people who may not have been present at the time. It is up to the media to decide how and when to transmit shared memories, as they play a crucial part in this process. When a peaceful resolution is taking place, memory as a reminder of the prior dispute or the use of conflicting memory during conflict are both determined to be significant factors. Memory and conflict are said to go hand in hand, so when the media links violence and conflict with previous events of the same kind, it attempts to resurrect the bitter experiences that individuals may or may not have had in the past. Bringing previous experiences to the forefront makes it difficult for people to think favourably or positively about a peaceful resolution of the conflict. This study investigates the use of conflicting collective memories in mainstream media representations of TTP talks with the Pakistani government. As a supplement, PJ was used in conjunction with CDA. The findings show that during the chosen time period, agonizing memories of the past were used as a context for new or recent events.&nbsp

    Ready-made content: is that fair? Pakistani English Newspapers Reliance on International News Agencies

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    A major portion of Pakistani national press is filled with news and commentaries taken from the global press i.e., Agency France-Presse, Associated Press, Reuters, Washington Post, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times etc. News from foreign press are reproduced on multiple pages in Pakistani English newspapers. The study based on nine in-depth interviews with the journalists1 responsible for content selection and formation of foreign pages in the three newspapers i.e., Dawn, the News & the Nation. The results of the study showed that National English Newspapers are highly influenced by the global press. It was also noted that the national press lacked resources, commitment and capacity to gather international news of its own. As a result, they just relied on the foreign press for information.  &nbsp